Contact: Ashley Harrison by email
The ‘Heritage of the Air’ conference, to be held from the 14 – 17 November 2019, at University House in Canberra, is now inviting submissions for papers!
You are invited to submit your abstracts for papers for the conference sessions by 7 June 2019.
The main themes for the 2019 Heritage of the Air Conference are:
- Modernism
- Machines
- Migration
- Memories
Abstracts can relate to one or more of the conference themes and link to one of the conference sessions. A full list of the proposed conference sessions, including a general session, can be found on the by clicking here.
More sessions may be added so please check the website regularly.
Abstracts must be submitted using the Heritage of the Air_Abstract Submission Form.
A standard paper is 15-20 minutes and blitz papers 5-6 minutes- some sessions may vary this format.
Abstracts should be no more than 200 words each.
Diverse responses to the themes and sessions are encouraged.
We encourage you to email the session convenors (see conference sessions) to discuss the session and the relevance of your submission.
Final paper abstract submissions and questions about the conference must be sent directly through to Ashley Harrison via email.
The Heritage of the Air Conference Committee will review all submissions and advise of the outcome in June.